Watercolours – Week 3 – Spring 2022

Watercolours – Punting on waterways



We took to the waterways with punting boats this week. We drew our figures, boats, bridges or anything else that need to be defined.  These paintings required perspective as well.   Areas were preserved by applying masking fluid eg  the punter’s stick and any part of clothing.  We applied washes to the sky, water and vegetation going from light to dark in the pigments.  So it was good idea to have the relevant items masked to help continuity of the layers of paint.  We completed the washes and painting different vegetation using different brushes  and brush strokes. The masking fluid was removed. Finally we added colour to the unmasked items.

Next week , we will start with Acrylics. Returners will be painting rambling roses. Beginners will start with learning different acrylic techniques and creating seascapes.  See you soon.