Spring 2022 – Acrylics – Week 1


Rambling Roses and Beaches

Students started painting with acrylic paint this week.  They started by creating a wash to paint the background.  Our tutor created a simplified drawing version of the roses. This was a basis for painting the petals.  They learnt that they now need to paint acrylics from dark to light.  So the darks were applied to the roses to indicate the shadows.  Shadow colours were also applied elsewhere in the paintings.  Next, Students used different tonal values of  different colours to build up the rest of the rose petals.  They mixed plenty of colours to paint the curtains, doors, window frames etc.  Some even created impressionist leaves using all the colours that were used in the painting so far. Others decided to paint actual leaves.  Even one of our students painted 3 of these rambling roses to create a jigsaw.  Some of the beginners took up this challange to paint some of the rambling roses.

Our beginners painted different acrylic techniques on their sampler sheet or in their sketch pad. Afterwards, our tutor painted along with the students to create a beach scene.  She went around the students at different stages of the painting to help them if required.  She showed them how to mix colours to create the sand. They also learnt to paint, water, waves and shadows. Painting along with the tutor gave the students the opportunity to  get plenty of help with their paintings.



We will be painting yummy macarons next week. Did you know that they are called macarons in Ireland and macaroons in UK!!

We are now taking bookings for our May course. Mornings are booked out but there is some space in afternoon slot 2 – 5pm .

Call 01-2989596 or fill out Contact Form if interested or just want to know more about the course.

See you next week.


2 thoughts on “Spring 2022 – Acrylics – Week 1”

  1. Nancy Robinson

    Love the website. Looking forward to more classes having just had one. Really enjoyed the sessio and learned a lot

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